Tuesday, June 30, 2009

The Rescue Party Tour is Coming to Milwaukee!!

The Rescue Party Tour is coming to Milwaukee on July 16th at the Oriental Theater. Doors open at 6:15 pm.

To buy tickets, go to www.rescuepartytour.com and purchase tickets for the Milwaukee Rescue Party Tour. Purchase a $25 VIP ticket and use promo code "afc" to benefit the Animal Fairy Charities and $10 will go directly back to them. A VIP ticket also features a meet and greet with the filmmaker Tom McPhee and a signed poster. General admission tickets are $10 advanced/$15 at the door.

You can see trailers of the multi-award winning documentary An American Opera: The Greatest Pet Rescue Ever! at www.anamericanopera.com

1 comment:

Sara said...

Besides proceeds going to great causes, I think this movie is going to be very interesting.
I love that themes like the importance of animals in our lives and the ethics and safety of our food production are becoming a common theme of documentaries as of late.
Hopefully this continues to be a trend and I'm crossing my fingers that these topics will become mainstream issues that EVERYONE is aware of.